HEA 2025

Harmony Education Aotearoa 2025

The HEA education weekends have become a regular institution in the BHNZ calendar with world-class education and fun.   Don't miss this wonderful opportunity to begin or to continue your barbershop education pathway!  Whether you are new to ringing chords or an old hand, we have classes for singers, directors, arrangers, up and coming coaches and judges, and the popular quartet coaching stream. Classes run from Saturday morning through to Sunday lunchtime. 

Your BHNZ Education Team is pleased to confirm that there will be three HEA workshop weekends in 2025 as follows:

 Harmony Education Aotearoa 2025 - Central
When 5-6 April 2025  
Registration Closes Friday 28 March  
Where Tawa College, Wellington
Registration BHNZ Members: $45.00,
Sudents with ID: $40.00
Non-members: $65.00
Accommodation Live-out, but you can request to be billeted during registration.
Quartet Qualification for BHNZ Contest The Howat-Nation quartet competition will be held on Saturday night 5 April, 6:30pm, at the Tawa-Linden Baptish Church. Quartet Entry here. Fee $10. There will be no judged quartet contest for nationals  qualification at this event, but quartets are able to have a video entry recorded (own arrangements). on the Saturday night to submit later.
Spectator tickets via Eventbrite.
 Harmony Education Aotearoa 2025 - Northern
When 12-13 April 2025  
Registration Closes Friday 4 April  
Where St Paul's Collegiate, Hamilton
Registration BHNZ Members: $95.00
Students with ID: $80.00
Non-members: $130.00
Optional Saturday Dinner: $25
Accommodation Live-out, but you can request to be billeted during registration.
Quartet Qualification for BHNZ Contest Friday Night 11th April, 7:15pm, St Paul's Chapel.
Friends & family welcome. Entry by koha.
 Harmony Education Aotearoa 2025 - Southern
When 24-25 May 2025  
Registration Closes Friday 16 May  
Where Middleton Grange School
30 Acacia Ave, Upper Riccarton, Christchurch
Registration BHNZ Members: $60.00,
Sudents with ID: $50.00
Non-members: $100.00
Accommodation Live-out, but you can request to be billeted during registration.
Quartet Qualification for BHNZ Contest Friday Night 23rd May, Middleton Grange Staffroom.
Friends & family welcome. Entry by koha.

5-6 April 2025

Tawa College,
38A Duncan Street, Tawa
Wellington 5028

HEA for the Wellington region will be held this year at Tawa College on 5th and 6th April. Cost includes all HEA Eduction classes. Tea, coffee, juice and biscuits are provided for morning tea on Saturday and Sunday. Please bring or buy your own lunch.

We are thrilled that Alex Morris is able to join us this year as our guest Faculty member.

Alex will take us on a dive into the Musicality category including sharing more understanding of the category itself, and storytelling through musicality 'to create compelling performances".  Sounds fascinating, and you can be sure of a high energy, action-packed and fun-filled delivery from one of the most prominent and loved Australian barbershoppers. You can read more about Alex here.

The annual Howat-Nation quartet competition will be held in conjunction with HEA on the Saturday night, beginning at 6:30pm, at the Tawa-Linden Baptist Church, 229 Main Road, Tawa. - Quartet entry here - fee $10. This will also be an opportunity for any quartets who need to qualify for the BHNZ contest in September to have their performance recorded on video (make your own arrangements to have someone do this though). The recordings can then be passed on to the BHNZ 2025 contest judging panel. Please note spectator entry to the Howat-Nation Contest is NOT included in registration. Spectator Tickets are sold separately via Eventbrite.

Classes begin at 8:30am on Saturday morning with a range of topics including basic barbershop theory, vocal health, vocal warm-ups, song-learning and more. Budding arrangers, coaches, and directors are catered for, and if your quartet is attending, do sign up for quartet coaching with our world class coaching team!

Join Faculty members at The Borough, Main Street, Tawa on Friday night for socialising and singing some tags.

Bonus BHS celebrity visit!
We have it on very good authority that Aaron Dale is still in town on the Friday night before HEA! He would love to hang out with you all at The Borough from 7.00pm. (Before y'all get too excited, he won't be able to join us during HEA.)

HEA Northern
12-13 April 2025

St Paul's Collegiate,
77 Hukanui Road, Chartwell,
Hamilton 3210

Northern HEA is once again being held at St Paul's Collegiate School in Hamilton. on 12th and 13th April. Cost includes all HEA Eduction classes. Tea, coffee, juice and biscuits are provided for morning tea on Saturday and Sunday. Lunch is provided on Saturday and there is dinner available on Saturday night as an optional extra $25.

We are thrilled that Alex Morris is able to join us this year as our guest Faculty member.

Alex will take us on a dive into the Musicality category including sharing more understanding of the category itself, and storytelling through musicality 'to create compelling performances".  Sounds fascinating, and you can be sure of a high energy, action-packed and fun-filled delivery from one of the most prominent and loved Australian barbershoppers. You can read more about Alex here.

The annual Regional Quartet Qualifying Contest will be held at St Paul's on the Friday night of 11th April. Everyone is welcome to attend. Entry is by gold coin (or greater donation) with proceeds going to quartets who will represent NZ in the International Quartet Contests in Denver, USA later this year.

(Quartets who are unable to attend these opportunities at HEA can submit a video recorded under appropriate conditions.  Get in touch with BHNZ Contest Administrators for details.)

Registration checkin for attendees begins at 8.30am Saturday morning. Collect your name badge and sing a tag in the Student Centre. Classes kickoff with a keynote address at 9:00am by Alex Morris. addressing "Storytelling Through Music". Class topics range from basic barbershop theory, vocal health, vocal warm-ups, to song-learning and more. Budding arrangers, coaches, and directors are catered for, and if your quartet is attending, do sign up for quartet coaching with our world class coaching team!

The Saturday night show is always a favourite and there might be ice-cream.


HEA Southern
24-25 May 2025

Middleton Grange School,
30 Acacia Ave,

HEA in Christchurch boasts the HIGHEST attendance of all three education events in the country. We are so looking forward to making that happen again!

The Southern HEA is at Middleton Grange School in the Christchurch suburb of Upper Riccarton (map), about 15 minutes drive from Christchurch Airport. Tea, coffee, juice and biscuits are provided for morning tea on Saturday and Sunday. Lunch will be provided on Saturday, and in keeping with the Northern and Central HEA events, no lunch will be provided on Sunday this year.

HEA officially begins on Saturday morning at 9.00am - come and pick up your name badge from the registration desk below the staffroom from 8.00am Saturday morning. 

The annual Regional Quartet Qualifying Contest will be held at the school staffroom on Friday night at 7:30pm. Everyone is welcome to attend. Entry is by gold coin (or greater donation) in support of our quartets travelling to Denver later this year. Quartets, please register your arrival with the team on the desk  anytime from 6pm. Quartets who are unable to attend can submit a video recorded under appropriate conditions.  Get in touch with BHNZ Contest Administrators for details.

Classes kick off after the keynote address at 9:00am on Saturday morning (keynote speaker to be advised). Class topics range from basic barbershop theory, vocal health, tag-by-numbers, vocal warm-ups, to song-learning and more. Budding arrangers, coaches, and directors are catered for, and if your quartet is attending, do sign up for quartet coaching with our world class coaching team. You must include your quartet name when you register for HEA to be included in quartet coaching.



Harmony Education Aotearoa is Barbershop Harmony New Zealand's world-class teaching and learning programme. The programme offers premiere annual education events for barbershop singers, directors, school teachers, coaches, and arrangers. 

We believe that singing is for everyone. Many of our services and events are offered to both members and non-members of Barbershop Harmony New Zealand.

Copyright © 2025 Harmony Education Aotearoa