Kisena Asi - Certified (2018)
Kisena is based in Porirua, Wellington and is a member of the Vocal FX Chorus. His love of barbershop singing began in high school, singing with a quartet at St Patrick’s College, placing 3rd at the Regional contests.
Joining Vocal FX in 2005, Kisena has been a member of the bass section where he has been the bass section leader for 7 years.
He has competed in numerous contests with the chorus as well as competing in a number of quartets over the years. He has won 2 national titles with Revelation quartet and he has also won 2 gold medals in the mixed quartet category with Charlie’s Angels (2014) and Grand Central (2016).
Kisena is an experienced barbershopper who loves to help others find the joy in performance through musicality and belief in the message of the song. He was lucky enough to receive the BHNZ Scholarship to attend Harmony University in 2016 where he gained invaluable knowledge which he would love to share with others.
Kisena is happy to coach choruses and quartets of any level and is available most weekends, and is happy to work with each group to meet their needs.
Henrietta Hunkin-Tagaloa - Certified (2018)
Henri is based in Wellington and has been involved in barbershop for 17 years. She is the Co-Director of Wellington City Chorus, the 2018 International Harmony Classic Chorus champions.
Henri has competed in a number of quartets and won 8 championship titles with Even Time Quartet and Fire & Ice Quartet. She also won the gold with mixed quartet Charlie's Angels as baritone and more recently Grand Central quartet, the current NZ Mixed champions as tenor.
She is the General Education Specialist for Sweet Adelines NZ, and is also a member of the SANZ Faculty, where she has coached a number of Sweet Adelines quartets and choruses around NZ. She has attended a number of international contests for both Sweet Adelines and the Barbershop Harmony Society, and has attended international educational events, directors seminars and judge training sessions.
She is a certified Singing Judge in the Australasian Guild of Barbershop Judging and an approved Candidate Sound Judge in the Sweet Adelines International judging programme.
Henri is happy to help individuals, quartets and choruses at all levels either through workshops or coaching weekends.
Richard Harker - Certified (2018)
Richard Harker is based in Auckland, where he has directed the City of Sails Barbershop Chorus since 2013 and in 2019 also began directing Sounds of the Shore Chorus. Richard has been involved in barbershop since 2003, and before moving to Auckland he took musical leadership roles at both Vocal FX in Wellington and The Plainsmen in Christchurch. He has also had stints singing with top choruses in Cincinnati and Vancouver, and has sung with three medal-winning quartets.
Richard has been involved in the director training programme run by BHNZ since 2008, and has also attended Harmony University in the USA four times, focusing on vocal pedagogy and leadership. Richard feels that his position as a front line director for four years has put him in a good position to coach all elements of the barbershop style. He has a particular interest in the fundamentals of producing a quality tone, while not losing focus on the message of the song.
Richard is happy to coach choruses and quartets, and is also able to work individually with singers to improve their vocal production. He is available most weekends (or weeknights within the Auckland area), and is more than happy to travel to work with your group.
Michael Markham - Certified (2018)
Michael is based in Wellington and is a founding member of Vocal FX. Having been involved in barbershop since he was 13 (as a member of the Harbour Capital Chorus), Michael has significant barbershop experience both as a quartet and chorus singer. He was a New Zealand Gold medallist in 2006, singing in the quartet, Resonance and has gone on to represent New Zealand in the Collegiate contest in Denver, Colorado in 2007.
Michael has been involved as a lead section leader of Vocal FX, and is passionate about bringing a performance to life through great vocal technique, partnered with from the heart commitment. As a certified Performance Judge, Michael is able to provide you with expertise in the area of delivering an impactful performance, while also supporting your singers through one-on-one PVIs and improved vocal technique.
Michael is available across the country on weekends, but may also be available in the evening
Josh Ellery - Certified (2019)
Josh is the Assistant Director of Vocal FX having moved to Wellington in 2015. He has competed with Vocal FX at two International Chorus Contests and sang in The B-Flads quartet from 2015-2020, winning the BHNZ National Quartet Contest in 2018 and competing in the International Collegiate Quartet Contest in 2016. Josh is a lecturer in music education at Victoria University of Wellington, lecturing Popular Music through a teaching fellowship, and is also researching the wider socio-cultural analyses of inclusivity and belonging in barbershop.
Josh attended Harmony University in 2018 on the BHNZ Scholarship to further his barbershop education. His primary interests are in extracting maximum value from arrangements, selling the message of a song, and considering inclusivity and belonging.
Josh is available for coaching during teaching breaks, occasionally on weekends, and is happy to travel to work with your group. Josh will also field PVIs or quartet coaching through Zoom or Skype by appointment.
Master of Arts – Victoria University of Wellington, 2020
Assistant Director – Vocal FX (2020-present)
BHNZ Open Quartet Champion (The B-Flads) - 2018
BHNZ Youth Quartet Champion (The B-Flads) – 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018
BHS International Collegiate Contest Competitor (The B-Flads) - 2016
Lead Section Leader – Vocal FX (2017-present)
BHNZ Harmony University Scholarship Recipient – 2018
Matt Barris - Candidate
Matt is based in Tawa, Wellington and is a member of Vocal FX and Mixed FX chorus. He currently serves as the baritone section leader for Vocal FX and the assistant musical director for Mixed FX.
Matt’s passion for barbershop harmony began when he joined the male barbershop chorus at his high school, Tawa College. He also competed with his quartet Fourtissibros, placing 2nd at the national contest. He has also competed in the BHNZ quartet contests with a number of mixed and other male quartets.
From 2018-19, Matt was the musical director of the Wellington College Chorus, Basin Boys, who placed 3rd at the national high school contest.
Matt has a passion for helping barbershoppers find their voice and perform in a way that is fulfilling for them and their audience. He also enjoys vocal pedagogy, having completed a Classical Voice degree at the New Zealand School of Music in 2020. He was honoured to receive the BHNZ Harmony University Scholarship in 2020 and is looking forward to attending in Nashville in the US in the future.
Matt is happy to coach individuals, quartets and choruses across the country and is available most weekends.